Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lions, Tigers and Kids oh my

The Toledo Zoo over Memorial Day weekend

Thomas the Train

One of Zach's favorites...

Hey - we're right in front...

It's creepy right? I mean, it's not just me is it?

It's fun for the (almost) whole mishpucha

Roller Skating? Really? You Can Do That?

Who knew we could have so much fun roller blading/skating? We had a sneaky suspicion...

Guess who?

Here's the real deal.

And the crew...

And the surprise guest of honor (but he didn't know it at the time)

What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

And then at dinner (with drinks) the birthday surprise is revealed...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bar Mitzvah Shmar Shmitzvah - Passover 2008 Made Zach a Man

Who likes wine?

I do....I do...

April's Adventures

Early April was filled with activity - Zach's birthday (s) and our trip to NYC for shopping and eating and eating and eating.

And on to the shopping....Macy's Herald Square was OK but did someone say Bloomingdales wasn't too far?

And then it was time for Gary's birthday dinner in Mecca...err..Peter Luger's Steakhouse in Brooklyn.

Whoops...that's not the right place. Did anyone see Elaine Benes? Or was it Jerry?

Ahh, here we are

Gary ordered for us so we had nothing to worry about.

Who doesn't love bacon? "This is huge" said Cheryl. "Thanks" said Alec.

I prounouce this meal a success. And meat in a bag is everyone's favourite.
