While getting him up and ready for pre-K this morning, Zach told me that his stomach hurt.
I wonder how you guys would have handled this differently - if at all.
I asked him about it and he told me it hurt.
Like you're hungry? no
Like you need to make a poop? no
Like you're going to throw up? no
So based on his answers (or lack therof really), I got him dressed and continued along in our morning (usually rushed) routine.
While in the car on the way to the JCC, he told me again his stomach hurt. And so I repeated my questions. He gave me basically the same answers. So we pressed on.
I noticed he wasn't eating his snack, but it didn't strike me as odd because he was busy looking out the window.
We arrived at the JCC and his drop off went fine. I gave him my usual pep talk before leaving - have a great day, I love you, can't wait to see and play with you tonight...
Actually it went smoother than usual. This should have been another clue - that he didn't really react to me leaving.
And then I left.
And then I got the call from Nancy. He puked. Into his teacher's coffee cup. So she went to get him and take him home.
First, I felt so bad for him that it happened. But then I felt worse because I missed every sign he gave me. In his own way he must have been trying to tell me he felt sick...even though he never actually told me.
I'm not sure I could have done more, but all day I felt guilty about somehow letting him down.
I tell him everyday that I'll always help him - no matter what. And here I didn't. Thank g-d he feels better now, but I know I felt worse.