I simply tried to send my dad a Father's Day card and here's what I'm left with. An ugly mess on my nice card.

I never really experienced having a letter returned to me for insufficient postage. But that's what happened. Evidently sending an envelope that's a little out of standard shape screws things up royally.
So the super professional looking sticker the mailman puts on the envelope tells me to add postage and try again.
I added another stamp - and completely overpayed the insufficient postage amount, but there was no way I was going to the post office to get the correct amount on a stamp.
I then dropped the newly over-posted (my term) letter in the mailbox and thought it would arrive just a few days late. I could explain this away to my dad with no worries.
But no.
Today the envelope turns up in my mail - again. Theyr'e still looking for more postage. Even though I waaaay overpaid the second time.
Now I'm mad. Really mad. Almost mad enough to go to the post office and wait on the line to talk to a postal worker. OK, not that mad. Because we all know how that would go. I would walk out madder than when I got there. And risking committing a Federal crime is not really on my agenda.
So even though I tried - twice - it didn't work.
Sorry dad, but it really wasn't my fault. I'll be bringing your card to you personally. That's the service you deserve for Father's Day anyway.
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