Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Spam? People eat actual Spam? Really?

I was reading Brandweek recently and found this amazing tidbit:

It seems as the economy worsens, our appetite for inexpensive food increases.

But, as you can see, there's a certain wildcard - spam. Are people really eating it? Really? That's seriously hard to believe.

According to the chart (I did not make this up), 2008's Spam sales have increased 14% over 2007 levels. I totally understand the rice, Raman noodles and dry pasta becoming more popular. But Spam?

I challenge anyone to tell me they know a person on this earth that regularly eats Spam!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Thank g-d they're all OK. My sister was in a horrific car accident Wednesday night and unfortunately there was a fatality (not a family member).

The link is in the headline.

Amy sustained a broken left arm, but from the looks of her car it could have been a lot worse. Cameron (age 10) and Griffin (age 8) are really lucky to have walked away almost perfectly.

It's funny (not really) what has to happen to put your focus right back on what's important. From arguing over rediculous things and not paying attention to the things that are really important, you quickly realize how dumb you've been.

And by you, I of course mean me. Unless you agree. Then you means you too.

Promise to be better to your kids and don't be in such a rush all the time. Stop and appreciate the things that matter. Like hugs. And kisses. And being with those you love.

That's the end of my soap boxing.

Amy - get well soon.